Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a photo editing and organisation software that enables non-destructive editing and offers advanced tools for enhancing images. It uses AI for smart photo management and allows for easy sharing of photos.

You don't take a photograph, you make it. Ansel Adams

Key Things to Know

Adobe Lightroom Classic is a desktop-based photo editing and management software that allows photographers to organise, edit and publish photographs.

Start with Catalogs

Start by creating a new catalog in Lightroom Classic to organise your photos. Ensure that you understand the structure of folders and collections for efficient management.

Importing Photos

Use the 'Import' function to add photos to your catalog from various sources, configuring file handling and metadata settings appropriately.

Basic Adjustments

Navigate to the 'Develop' module to make basic adjustments to exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, and blacks. Utilise the histogram to guide your adjustments.


Explore the use of local adjustment tools like the Graduated Filter, Radial Filter, and Adjustment Brush to selectively modify parts of your image.

Photo Organisation

Utilises a cataloguing system for managing photos.

Non-Destructive Editing

Edits are made without altering the original files. This ensures the integrity of your original images while allowing for unlimited creative edits.


Users can apply presets for quick edits. These presets can be customised and saved for future use.


Allows direct camera connection for immediate photo editing and viewing.

Since the photographic medium has been digitized, a fixed definition of the term photography has become impossible. Andreas Gursky

Lightroom's Workflow

Importing photos, sorting, editing and streamlining workflows with Lightroom.

Creating and Managing Catalogs

Start by creating a new catalog in Lightroom Classic to organise your photos. Ensure that you understand the structure of folders and collections for efficient management.

Importing Photos

Use the 'Import' function to add photos to your catalog from various sources, configuring file handling and metadata settings appropriately.

Basic Adjustments

Navigate to the 'Develop' module to make basic adjustments to exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, whites, and blacks. Utilise the histogram to guide your adjustments.

Advanced Editing Techniques

Explore the use of local adjustment tools like the Graduated Filter, Radial Filter, and Adjustment Brush to selectively modify parts of your image.

Creating and Applying Presets

Learn how to create your own presets based on your favourite adjustments, and apply them to other photos for a consistent look.

Exporting Photos

Finalise your workflow by exporting photos. Adjust export settings including file format, resolution, and compression based on your output needs.

Photography is the simplest thing in the world, but it is incredibly complicated to make it really work. Martin Parr

Colour Grading
Workflow with Lightroom

The Color Grading Tool in Lightroom enhances images by applying stylized colors to shadows, mid-tones, and highlights. 

Color Grading Tool in Lightroom

In Lightroom, access the Color Grading Panel in the Develop Module. Adjust hues for shadows, mid-tones, and highlights using colour wheels, control brightness with luminance sliders, apply global hues, and fine-tune with balance and blending sliders. 

Access the Color Grading Panel:

Navigate to the Develop Module and locate the Color Grading Panel.

Select Color Wheels View

Choose between three-way colour view or individual exposure range views in Lightroom for more precise color grading.

Apply Colour Hues

Click on a colour wheel to add hues to shadows, mid-tones, or highlights. Experiment with complementary colours for dynamic effects.

Adjust Saturation

Move the colour picker closer or further from the wheel's centre to adjust saturation in Lightroom.

Modify Luminance

Use the luminance sliders beneath each colour wheel to control the brightness of your edits in Lightroom.

Fine-Tune with Balance and Blending Sliders

Use the balance slider to adjust colour dominance and the blending slider to control the transition between colour ranges in Lightroom.

Utilise Shortcuts for Precision

Use Shift for fixed hue adjustments and Alt/Option for fixed saturation adjustments. Double-click on wheels or sliders to reset in Lightroom.

Summary of Technical Steps

Navigate to and use the Color Grading Panel within Lightroom's Develop Module. Selectively apply and adjust hues using the colour wheels for shadows, mid-tones, and highlights. Utilise luminance sliders to adjust the brightness levels of each colour range. Apply global adjustments for uniform colour application across all exposure ranges. Employ balance and blending sliders for nuanced control over colour dominance and transition.

Adobe Lightroom Classic
Workflow Tips

Discover essential tips and tricks to enhance your Adobe Lightroom Classic workflow. From importing to exporting, make your photo editing process more efficient.

Use Compare View for Side-by-Side Comparisons

Access via View > Compare or the 'C' shortcut, then click the XY (or YY) icon to compare images directly.

Enable Caps-Lock for Auto Advance

Speed up your culling process by automatically advancing to the next photo after tagging or rejecting an image.

Activate Clipping Warnings to Preserve Details

Click the triangles in the Histogram to highlight lost details in shadows or highlights.

Dim Surroundings for Focused Editing

Press the 'L' key in the Develop module to dim or black out Lightroom's panels, helping you concentrate on the photo.

Utilize Composition Overlays for Better Composition

Access overlays like the rule of thirds or golden ratio by clicking the Crop Overlay icon and cycling through with the 'O' key.

Copy Graduated and Radial Filters with Alt (Option)

Enhance specific photo areas by duplicating or inverting these filters for precise adjustments.

Create Virtual Copies for Variations Without Extra Files

Experiment with different edits without altering the original file or creating duplicates on your hard drive.

Pre-Visualize Sharpening with the Sharpening Mask

Use the Masking slider while holding down Alt (Option) to see which areas of your photo will be sharpened, ensuring precision in your final edit.

Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst. For me, the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity. To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality.Henri Cartier-Bresson

FAQs: Adobe Lightroom

Common questions about Adobe Lightroom, its uses, benefits, and how it compares to other Adobe products.

  • What is Adobe Lightroom?

    Adobe Lightroom is a photo editing and organisation software that allows photographers to manage large numbers of digital images and make adjustments to photos in a non-destructive workflow.
  • What is Adobe Lightroom used for?

    Adobe Lightroom is used for importing, organising, editing, and sharing digital photos. Its tools are designed to work with large batches of photos and to make common photo adjustments easily and quickly.
  • What is Adobe Lightroom Classic?

    Adobe Lightroom Classic is the desktop-oriented version of Lightroom, designed for use on a personal computer, with extensive photo management capabilities and advanced editing features.
  • Is Adobe Lightroom free?

    No, Adobe Lightroom is not free. It is available through various subscription plans offered by Adobe, including the Photography Plan, which also includes Adobe Photoshop.
  • Is Adobe Lightroom a one-time purchase?

    No, Adobe Lightroom is no longer available as a one-time purchase. It is available through subscription plans as part of Adobe's Creative Cloud service.
  • Is Adobe Lightroom worth it?

    Yes, for many photographers, Adobe Lightroom is worth it due to its comprehensive photo editing tools, organisational capabilities, and non-destructive editing workflow. It suits a wide range of photography styles and levels of experience.
  • Is Color Grading the same as Split Toning?

    No, Color Grading offers more flexibility than Split Toning, allowing for adjustments to mid-tones in addition to shadows and highlights, and includes balance and blending controls.
  • Is Adobe Lightroom Photoshop?

    No, Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop are distinct applications. Lightroom is focused on photo organisation and editing in a non-destructive workflow, while Photoshop offers more advanced image manipulation and graphic design features.
  • What is Adobe Lightroom good for?

    Adobe Lightroom is good for photographers seeking an efficient workflow for organising, editing, and exporting their photos. It excels in batch processing and non-destructive editing.
  • What is the difference between Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop?

    The main difference lies in their primary uses: Lightroom is primarily a photo organisation and editing tool with a focus on workflow efficiency, while Photoshop offers more advanced image manipulation and graphic design capabilities.
  • Does Adobe Lightroom cost money?

    Yes, Adobe Lightroom requires a subscription, which costs money. Adobe offers several subscription models, including plans that bundle Lightroom with Photoshop and other Creative Cloud apps.
  • Is Adobe Lightroom free for students?

    Adobe Lightroom is not free for students as a standalone product, but Adobe offers discounted pricing on the Creative Cloud All Apps plan for students and teachers, which includes Lightroom.
  • How do I reset a colour adjustment in Adobe Lightroom?

    Double-click on a colour wheel or slider to reset it to its default state, allowing you to freely experiment with adjustments.
  • What are the top 10 Lightroom shortcuts?

    • G - Opens the Library Grid view. 
    • D - Switches to the Develop Module. 
    • E - Enters Loupe view in the Library Module. 
    • T - Shows or hides the Toolbar. 
    • \ (Backslash) - Toggles before and after views in the Develop Module. 
    • L - Cycles through Lights Out modes. 
    • F - Toggles full-screen mode. 
    • Ctrl/Cmd + Z - Undoes the last action. 
    • Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + I - Initiates photo import.
    • Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E - Exports photos.

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